Lectures at Forum Daun
Prof. Harald Lesch is an esteemed and very popular mediator of science who peerlessly understands to convey complex scientific matters to laymen. On March 8, 2017 he gave a talk at Forum Daun on the subject 'Die Entstehung des Sonnensystems' upon invitation by the AVV.
Upon invitation by the AVV, a public talk of the weather and climate expert Sven Plöger will take place on Wednesday, May 18. 2022, at 8 p.m. at Forum Daun. Subject: 'Der Blick nach vorn - was verändert sich in unserer Atmosphäre?' Sven Plöger, standing in front of the camera since 20 years, is with us almost every day, presenting "Das Wetter im Ersten" in ARD before the daily Tagesschau and after the Tagesthemen. "I have a good sense of time for 2 mnutes and 19 seconds" says the meteorologist. The television viewer realises during such a short transmission time how much fun Sven Plöger has with "weather making".